ITI GeoTObjectivesOrganisationCommunicationContactsJoin us!ResearchScientific working groupsWG 1: SeismologyWG 2: GeodesyWG 3: Potential methodsWG 4: Rock physics and geomechanicsWG 5: Hydro-geochemistryWG 6: GeologyWG 7: Social sciencesWG 8: Data Management - CDGP (Center for Deep Geothermal Data)WG 9: ModellingITI GeoT projectsNational and European projectsPreviousANR AlterActionANR MonidasANR PrESENCE - SismocitéCETP - GEOTWINSEPOS ERIC: TCS AHHorizon DT-GeoHorizon Geo-INQUIREPEPR sous-sol - Projet Ciblé "Fossé Rhénan"Prof Karabulut - "Chaire Gutenberg"EducationGraduate programProgram taughtPhD fellowshipsMOBIL'ITI ScholarshipsStuding in Strasbourg - FAQData centerScience & societyParticipative scienceScientific mediationCollaborationsContactDirectory of membersNewsEventsFocus on...PublicationsRSS feedsSitemapLegal notice (French)Credits (French)