Home - ITI GeoT - Geosciences for the energy system transition - University of Strasbourg


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The Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute for Geosciences for the Energy System Transition – ITI GeoT – is a multi-disciplinary research and education initiative that focuses on the role of deep groundwater in the renewable georesource sector.

We use geosciences, computer sciences, engineering, and social sciences approaches to address questions around geothermal energy production, hydrogen and lithium production, heat storage, carbon sequestration, and other emerging renewable energy topics. 

The ITI GeoT is hosted by the University of Strasbourg, in partnership with the CNRS. It is funded through the “Beyond Borders” Excellence Initiative (ANR-10-IDEX-0002) and the University of Strasbourg’s SFRI STRAT’US initiative (ANR-20-SFRI-0012).

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