WG 9: Modelling

The numerical modelling working group aims at gathering the actors of the numerical models as well as the tools of validation of the models, the latter being also analog models.


    The different axes programmed in the activity of the WG9:

    1.  Analogical models (J. Schmittbuhl)
    2. Experimental validation tools (V. Tinard, J. Schmittbuhl, J. Lin, P. Pfeifer)
    3. Digital tools (J. Schmittbuhl, V. Magnenet, C. Fond)
    4. Analytical models, differential geometry, Ritz methods (V. Magnenet)
    5. 3D numerical modeling of fluid injection in faults, numerical modeling of fault sealing (J. Schmittbulh, Q. Deng, D. Javani, G. Blöcher, M. Cacace)
    6. FE modeling of wave propagation for the study of acousto-elastical effects in the monitoring of deep geothermal reservoirs. CODA WAVES INTERFEROMETRY (CWI) (J. Azzola, D. Zigone, O. Lengliné, F. Masson, V. Magnenet)
    7. Abiotic hydrogen generation from biotite-rich granite: A case study of the Soultz-sous-Forêts geothermal site, France (J. Schmittbuhl, B. Fritz)

    Members (EOST/ITES/ICube): Pierre Pfeiffer, Jian Lin, Jean Schmittbuhl, Violaine Tinard, Dimitri Zigone, Olivier Lengliné, Frédéric Masson, Bertrand Fritz

    • Post-docs: Javier Abreu Torres, Zhiwei Wang


    With the other ITI GeoT WGs:

    WG1: Seismology

    WG5: Hydro-geochemistry

    WG8: Data management CDGP


    With other academic partners:

    Guido Blöcher and M. Cacace (GFZ, Germany)

    J. Azzola (KIT, Germany)


    With socio-economic partners:


    Impact of secondary coatings on the dissolution rate of K-feldspar: A combined experimental and modeling study. Marion Pollet-Villard, Arnaud Bouissonni, Gerhard Schafer, Philippe Ackerer, Bertrand Fritz, Martiane Cabi, Damien Daval (2024). Geothermics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geothermics.2024.102952

    Hydraulic Diffusivity of a Partially Open Rough Fracture. Qinglin Deng, Guido Blöcher, Mauro Cacace & Jean Schmittbuhl (2021). Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00603-021-02629-2