ANR Cantare
Studying the development of high temperature geothermal resources in Alsace
The Cantare project was funded as part of the French National Research Agency’s (ANR) 2015 call for projects on the theme of “Transformations and efficient use of energy”.
The project goal is to characterise the transition zone between the crystalline basement and the deep sedimentary cover in the Alsace region for application to improved geothermal exploitation. The project will also provide new conceptual models that will serve as a basis for the exploration and development of future industrial geothermal projects. It will contribute to the development of high temperature geothermal energy (> 150ºC), outside the volcanic zones usually dedicated to the production of electricity.
Funded by: French National Research Agency (ANR)
Project leader: BRGM (French Geological Survey)
Project partners: ITES, ÉS Géothermie
LHyGes and IPGS budget: 360 000€
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