Kick Off PEPR Subsoil, Project targeted "Rhine Graben" PC9

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Between March 13th to March 15th 2024, the ITI Geot was very pleased to welcome all the national partners involved in the new Priority Research Programmes and Equipment, PEPR "programmes et équipements prioritaires de recherche" project targeted "Rhine Graben" PC9 at Mont Saint-Odile in Alsace. 

During this kick-off meeting, all administrative and scientific aspects of the project were presented to all and many fruitful discussions have taken place. 

Every work packages introduced their objectifs and collaborations to come. The meeting ended by a first field experience as a group with the visite of the quarry Saint-Pierre-Bois which is a perfect example of the transition between base-cover within the Rhine Graben. 


For more details about the project refer to the following page and official website.