Participative science

Participative science (also called citizen science, crowd science, participatory/ volunteer monitoring) is a type of scientific research carried on with the participation of non-scientists public. Participative science is used in a wide range of areas and with different applications. It can be used as a methology for collecting and classifying data as well as in the initiation of research projects into communities.

One of many advantages of the public involvement in research is that it increases their awareness about scientific process encouraging curiosity and greater understanding of science whilst providing an unpresedented engagement between professional scientists and general public. 



Join our community of volunteers

The ITI GeoT is part of many projects involving participative sciences. 

Currently, two projects are searching for volunteers: ANR PrESENCE and Sismocité

These projects aim to both build a seismocitizen network and a sociological study of citizen approach of seismology. The goal is to increase seismic measurements/analyses/predictions throughout the Alsace region as well as understanding the population concerns of and interests about seismic activity. 

If you are an Alsace residing citizen and you are interested in joining this community go through the following website sismo-citoyen