WG 8: Data Management - CDGP (Center for Deep Geothermal Data)

One of the key objectives of the LabEx G-eau-thermie Profonde initiative was to put in place a data repository to archive and disseminate data collected from deep geothermal sites in the Alsace region, while adhering to intellectual property rights: the CDGP

The working group in the ITI GeoT aims to carry out this same objectif and maintaining the CDGP as an active member of the EPOS Thematic Core Services Anthropogenic Hazards. You can learn more here: tcs.ah-epos.eu


Since the start of the ITI GeoT, the CDGP has drastically increased his data provision:

  • from 21 datasets to 92
  • from 7 collections/Episodes to 13
  • from 9 datasets describing wells or field experiments to 13
  • from 2 datasets linked to publication results to 3


These last years users from all around the world have requested CDPG data

Europe : France, Poland, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Greece, Norway, Spain

Asia: Russia, Saoudi Arabia, China, Singapore

North America: United-States, Canada

Oceania : New-Zealand, Australia

Africa : Algeria

Members (EOST/ITES): Salsabyl Benlalam, Fabien Engels, Marc Grunberg, Hélène Jund, Véronique Mendel


With the other ITI GeoT WGs:

WG1: Seismology

WG2: Geodesy

WG3: Potential methods

WG4: Rocks physics

WG9: Modelling


With other academic partners:

EPOS TCS AH consortium

As well as with EPOS TCS GIM and TCS GNSS

Beata Orleka-Sikora and Joana Kocot from IGPAS, Poland


With socio-economic partners:

BRGM, Orléans, France



Since the start of ITI GeoT, the data requests have led to several publications in peer-review journals see the list here