Field school S1

Field school S1
Master Sciences de la Terre et des planètes, environnementParcours Geosciences for the Energy System Transition


  • 5 days initiation field school for the entering Master 1 students
  • Students will be introduced to natural reservoirs in carbonate/clay systems, sandstones, and crystalline rocks and provide a holistic overview of the geological systems that host fractured reservoirs
  • The goal will be to observe the varies architectural elements (and their details) of the different Formations composing the Buntsandstein Group

  • Sites: Annweiler, Falkenstein, Lutzelbourg, Niderwiler

Students will:

  • Confront the constrasts between theoretical aspects and field observations in 3 large-scale laboratories
  • Learn how to relate observations at the reservoir scale to geological/geophysical concepts