ITI GeoT : projets internes

L'ITI GeoT finance des projets de recherche proposés et menés par les groupes de travail scientifiques. Chaque année, un appel à projet est lancé et évalué par notre comité scientifique puis approuvé par le comité de pilotage.

Appel à projets

Nouvel appel pour les projets 2026 : A VENIR !


Projets 2025

Nouveaux lauréats

  • Mechanical behaviour and permeability evolution of hyaloclastite from the geothermal reservoir at Krafla volcano (Iceland) (PI: Michael Heap)

WG impliqué Physique des roches

  • Geochemistry of CO2 and redox control during alteration of granitic rocks in faults and geothermal reservoirs: key aspectsfor exploration and stimulation of H2 (PI: Damien Lemarchand et Jesica Murray) 

WG impliqué Hydro-géochimie

  • Laser ablation U-series dating of the Soultz-sous-Forêts hydrothermal fracture fillings (PI: Sophie Rihs)

WGs impliqués Hydro-géochimie & Géologie

  • GO@URG 2.0 – Catching up on the Great Oolite in the Upper Rhine Graben : Performing the first integrated study of the well of Chalampé in order to define the reference geological section for future research and exploration (Pi: Mathieu Shuster)

WGs impliqués Physique des roches & Géologie

  • Sedimentological and petrophysical analysis of the Middle to Upper Buntsandstein transition: Upper Grès Vosgien to Conglomerat Principal, East France (PI: Guilherme Bozetti)

WG impliqué Géologie

  • Analysis of the media coverage and framing of deep geothermal energy in Alsace (PI: Yenny Serrano)

WG impliqué Sciences sociales

Projets 2024

Nouveaux lauréats

  • Better understand the link between the induced seismicity and the development of the aseismic slip on a fault plane. (PI: Olivier Lengliné)

WG impliqués Sismologie & Modélisation

  • New GNSS network installation (PI: Baptiste Rousset)

WG impliqués Géodésie & Management de données (CDGP) 

  • Hybrid gravity applied to the monitoring of the Theistareykir geothermal reservoir (PI: Jacques Hinderer)

WG impliqué Méthodes potentielles

  • Toward intermediate reservoirs appraisal in the Upper Rhine Graben: Petrophysical and mechanical characterization of the Grande Oolithe (Dogger) in the Rhine Graben (PI: Patrick Baud)

WG impliqués Physique des roches & Géologie

  • The influence of pressure and temperature on the electrical conductivity of geothermal reservoir rocks from Soultz-sous-Forêts (France) (PI: Mike Heap)

WG impliqués Physique des roches & Méthodes potentielles

  • H2 generation and stimulation with CO2 in granitic geothermal reservoirs of the Upper Rhine Graben (PI: Damien Lemarchand)

WG impliqués Hydro-géochimie & Modélisation


Extention en durée des projets 2023

  • Temporal and Spatial Evolution of the Lower Triassic Buntsandstein Formation (PI: Guilherme Bozetti)
  • Continuation of the CDGP (PI: Marc Schaming)

Projets 2023

Nouveaux lauréats

  • Hybrid gravity applied to the monitoring of the Theistareykir geothermal reservoir (PI: Jacques Hinderer)

WG impliqué Méthodes potentielles

  • Mechanical behaviour and permeability of porous volcanic geothermal reservoir rock (PI: Micheal Heap)

WG impliqué Physique des roches

  • Influence of the intermediate principal stress on inelastic compaction and compaction localization in porous sandstone (PI: Patrick Baud)

WG impliqué Physique des roches

  • HT-HP experimental approach for native hydrogen generation by CO2 injection in granitic geothermal reservoir (PI: Damien Lemarchand)

WG impliqués Hydro-géochimie & Modélisation

  • Temporal and Spatial Evolution of the Lower Triassic Buntsandstein Formation (PI: Guilherme Bozetti)

WG impliqué Géologie

  • Coupling between pressure and opening during fluid migration along a fault – implication for remote induced seismicity triggering (PI: Jean Schmittbuhl)

WG impliqués Sismologie & Modélisation


Extention en durée des projets 2022

  • Influence of the intermediate principal stress on inelastic compaction and compaction localization in porous sandstone (PI: Patrick Baud)
  • Architectural Characterization of the Upper Triassic Buntsandstein Formation (PI: Guilherme Bozetti)
  • Governing risks. Analysis of the political and discursive reconfigurations induced by the Strasbourg earthquakes (PI: Philippe Chavot)
  • Experimental study and modeling of the Si isotope fractionation and particle size growth during silica precipitation (PI: Damien Lemarchand)
  • An improved optical fiber DAS technology (PI: Jian Lin)
  • Continuation of the CDGP (PI: Marc Schaming)

Projets 2022

  • Influence of the intermediate principal stress on inelastic compaction and compaction localization in porous sandstone (PI: Patrick Baud)

WG impliqué Physique des roches

  • Architectural Characterization of the Upper Triassic Buntsandstein Formation (PI: Guilherme Bozetti)

WG impliqué Géologie

  • Governing risks. Analysis of the political and discursive reconfigurations induced by the Strasbourg earthquakes (PI: Philippe Chavot)

WG impliqué Sciences sociales

  • New  insights  on  the  nature,  age  and  origin  of the URG lower crust (PIs: Benoît Petri & Francis Chopin)

WG impliqué Géologie

  • Permeability anisotropy in the Buntsandstein (PI: Michael Heap)

WG impliqué Physique des roches

  • Hybrid gravity applied to the monitoring of the Theistareykir geothermal reservoir (PI: Jacques Hinderer)

WG impliqué Méthodes potentielles

  • Experimental study and modeling of the Si isotope fractionation and particle size growth during silica precipitation (PI: Damien Lemarchand)

WG impliqué Hydro-géochimie

  • An improved optical fiber DAS technology (PI: Jian Lin)

WG impliqué Modélisation

  • Enhanced native hydrogen generation by CO2 injection into a deep granitic geothermal reservoir in the Rhine Graben (GEOTH2ERMIE) (PI: Yann Lucas)

WG impliqués Hydro-géochimie & Modélisation

  • Continuation of the CDGP (PI: Marc Schaming)

WG impliqués Management des données (CDGP) & Géodésie

  • Passive 4D monitoring of the Strasbourg deep reservoirs using ambient seismic noise and earthquake interferometry (PI: Jérôme Vergne)

WG impliqués Sismologie & Modélisation